Growth Gel For Beard And Mustache

Kabuto Katana
Regular Price $ 1,245.00 Sale Price Unit price: $ 0.00

Quick Overview

Our Growth Gel for Beard and Mustache contains special ingredients selected to grow your beard and mustache in a healthy and hydrated way. Minoxidil 5% - Helps activate circulation Trichogen 3% - Nourishes the follicle Bergamot - Thickens facial hair Aloe Vera - Soothes irritation Scent of Rosemary & Mint...

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Our Growth Gel for Beard and Mustache contains special ingredients selected to grow your beard and mustache in a healthy and hydrated way.

  • Minoxidil 5% - Helps activate circulation
  • Trichogen 3% - Nourishes the follicle
  • Bergamot - Thickens facial hair
  • Aloe Vera - Soothes irritation
  • Scent of Rosemary & Mint

How to use:

At night, before sleeping and after washing the face with lukewarm water.

Apply a drop on the fingertips, circular massage on the beard and mustache.

Distilled water, Aloe Vera gel extract, Colloidal Aven, Carbopol, Tetranylamine, Bergamot extract, Mint, Rosemary, Minoxidil Sulfate 5%, Trichogen 3%, distilled alcohol and vitamin E.

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